Monday, February 1, 2010

Day Six.

Today I didn't leave the apartment except to hang my laundry from the balcony.

Last night I ended up feeling awful with a very unhappy stomach. I went to bed and woke up at some undefined hour of the morning and hung out in the bathroom for about half an hour, eventually throwing up. After that I sort of moved into the bathroom, occasionally going back to me bed to sleep for half an hour before getting up to do it again. Around 3 in the morning I got really dizzy and stumbled around to the bathroom with a blanket, socks, and a sweatshirt. I just slept on the floor instead of making the trek from my bed. It was freezing but it was worse to stand up than to lie there. I slept on and off. Eventually I felt a little better (after throwing up a couple of times) and headed back to my bed and slept the rest of the night.

I still was feeling off when I woke up and stayed in bed, not going to lunch because I didn't want to stir anything up. I was still queasy when I walked around so laying in bed was my best bet. I opted out of the bus tour, too, thinking the movement of the bus (and the walking) wouldn't be good for me. I'm sorry I missed out on the bus trip since the pictures everyone brought back were amazing but there wasn't really anything I could do...

I read a lot, watching a horrible movie, and basically loafed around. Didn't put me in a very good mood. I did end up doing my laundry, though. At least that was productive.

I skipped dinner and had a yogurt in the apartment instead and now I'm back in bed, thinking sleep is the best option. We have class at 9 tomorrow until 12 and then again from 2:30-3:30.

Hopefully I'll feel completely better in the morning because at the moment I still feel queasy...

I'll let you know about classes tomorrow.

P.S. I stole an album of pictures from one of the girls and it's on my Facebook. Feel free to take a look.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing. Ginger tea is good for an upset stomach.

    Love, Aunt Sis
