Monday, March 1, 2010

Day Thirty-Four.

Maybe I'll just bullet point important things from each day and still have an entry each day but not long, elaborate ones unless need be.

  • No class this morning so we slept in until lunch time. Nick brought his friend Erica who is visiting (they were going to Paris this weekend together but France's airlines are on strike so Nick never made it to Paris but his girl made it to Italy and is staying until Saturday) and we got to meet her briefly. Group dinner Wednesday night (usually the girls eat separate from the boys because they have soccer practice until late).
  • Had Italian class and learned about the different uses of "that" (there are three: declarative conjunction, demonstrative adjective, and relative pronoun). I don't know how much of it stuck.
  • After Italian I headed toward Bosco's to get some unmentionable items (they were out) and everything else was closed so I couldn't go to another store or get gelato.
  • Saw a stray dog and a stray cat working together as a scrounging team. It was adorable and surprising--one of those miracle story-type things you hear about on TV. I wanted to adopt them so badly.
  • Talked to a lot of people from back home that I hadn't talk to in a while. It was really nice and occasionally not so nice but it was still good to talk to people.
  • Looked at more internship opportunities (looked on this time) and found one new one to apply for.
  • Attempted to regain interest in this season of NCIS and failed. It's just not doing it for me for some reason. Oh well--shows to watch tomorrow as well as a friend's radio show to listen to.
  • Was told a zombie bedtime story that didn't scare me.
That last one was my favorite.

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