Friday, April 16, 2010

Day Eighty -- Torino Part Three.

  • Got up early to be at the Campus Center at 8:15 for the bus ride to Turin.
  • Got there and waited in the line to wait in line to see the Shroud (we had an appointment to wait in line at 10)
  • The line moved pretty quickly but was just long distance-wise so, while it did take a while, it didn't make me stressed and antsy because I wasn't moving anywhere. Also people were orderly and stayed in line which is a miracle in Europe. Bugs the hell out of me.

The line.
  • Saw the Shroud. Looked like all the pictures but I took one for all of you.

The Shroud.
  • Left the church where the Shroud is kept and were released for lunch until 2:30 (almost 3 hours!).
  • Hung with Erin, Jordan and Kate--we found lunch at a hip ristorante and I had pesto pasta and they had pizza. I also had strawberries and whipped cream. I love fresh, in season strawberries!
  • We searched for gelato because the other three wanted gelato.
  • Hung out in Piazza Castello in the sun listening to iPods and enjoying the weather.
  • Got margherita focaccia ligure (the region Genoa is located in) and it was amazing--I'm still thinking about it.
  • Walked around for a bit and ended up at a chocolaterie that served French-style macaroons. I got a dark chocolate one and it was amazing (I hope so at 1 euro a piece!).
  • Hopped into a clothing store next to the chocolaterie because there was a gorgeous necklace on a mannequin in the front window but I couldn't find the necklace in the inside of the store and we were pressed for time to be at the meeting spot by 2:30 so I couldn't ask them to give me the one from the window. I'm really bummed and I can't remember the name of the store so I can't look online to see if they have a website. Poo. I'm sad about it.
  • Walked through Turin visiting a couple of churches and then hopped on the bus to go up to a church that has an amazing view overlooking Tuirn. It was a nice day out so the view was a great way to end the beautiful day.

View of Turin.
  • Bus back to Alba being chased by a storm.
  • Ate dinner at the apartment.
In the future:
  • Tomorrow--day trip to Stresa. It's 4 hours each way (train leaves at 5:50...) and we'll only be there for 4.5 hours and it might rain but I'm still going even though I have my doubts. I paid for it and I might as well go. I hope it doesn't rain and is beautiful and fantastic.
  • Sunday--nothing! Reading for the Econ. class that starts next week.
  • Monday--possibly no Econ. class because our professor who is a St. Mary's professor is being flown in but is trapped in Oxford (he visited the Oxford program before heading here) due to the Iceland volcano ash. We are excited that he might get delayed but most of us need that credit and are worried the school will pull the class if he gets delayed too long since the class is already only three weeks (3 hours a day, 4 days a week, ugh!). We're also overreacting and worrying about getting ourselves back to the States. Last time the volcano erupted (19th century), it erupted for 12 months! God. I miss home and if anything stands in my way I will be furious.
  • Wednesday night--Milan so we can catch our early flight Thursday morning to Tangier, Morocco!
  • Thursday-Saturday--Morocco! Africa!

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