- Woke up at the normal time and went to class.
- Got out of the group meeting early and Prof Stabile can canceled the afternoon session since Kiki and Erin were gone so I went to Akash for lunch with Kate and then headed back to the apartment.
- Caught up on internet stuff.
- Watched Community.
- Read blogs and McSweeny's.
- Kate and I headed out to the gym and, mid-journey, decided to check out a hiking path Prof Stabile told us about. We found the trail and walked it for a good while, planning to take it to the end where it looped around and came back. There was a wide stream we had to ford so we took off our shoes and, using sticks as poles to aid us, crossed the cool water. It was an adventure! Then we sloshed through mud and trekked up hills and came to the end of the trail. But where was the loop? We were confused and thought we had found it be ended up lost in the middle of someone's vineyard. Eventually we got back to the trail by side-swiping beehives, scrambling up sheer creek beds and using our generally fabulous sense of direction. Eventually, after 4 hours and approximately 6 miles of walking, we got back to the apartment.
- Kate, Erin and Laura went out for drinks with Prof Stabile and I stayed behind because I was tired and helping a friend speed-edit their senior thesis before turning it in--what a stressful four hours! But it was worth it and I was glad I could use my editing skills to help a friend.
- Chatting.
- BED! So tired and so happy I get to sleep in tomorrow.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Day Ninety-Three.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day Ninety-Two -- Milano.
- Woke up at 6:30AM to get to the Campus Center by 7:50.
- Went to Vin to get coffee with Erin and Kate. Had them drink my coffee since I just wanted the change from the voucher. Coffee is yucky!
- Got on the bus to head to Milan.
- Promptly passed out.
- Got to Milan around 10.
- Walked to the duomo which actually didn't seem as large as some of the other churches we had seen before (Florence) and then we were set free until 1:45.
- Went inside the duomo (unmiraculous) and did some shopping on the streets around it.
- Wandered around and found a public park so we wandered through that before wandering out to find lunch at an overpriced cafe.
- Went into a store called OVS to shop but didn't end up buying anything.
- Headed toward the castello so we could see it before it was time to meet.
- Saw the castello.
- Met up with the rest of the group and headed to the European Commission's office in Milan to meet with a Commissioner (of Media?) who talked to us about how Europe needs to become more united and think at an EU level rather than at the level of individual countries. The EU essentially wants more cohesive cooperation from the countries rather than the preoccupation they have with individual power. The EU wants to be united like the US is. Anyway, it was interesting.
- Got back on the bus and came back to Alba by 6PM.
- Hung out at the apartment.
- Had crackers with peanut butter and jelly and frozen peas for dinner.
- Argued with a friend about the censorship of South Park.
- Music and Solitaire and chatting.
- Bed!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day Ninety-One.
- Econ.--this class feels pointless since we have no tests and the papers are all on the readings so I feel like my time would be better spent reading and writing the papers. This is the kind of mentality that college has created in me--ugh. Or maybe I just had a bad day. Usually I get involved even if it's not required--taking notes, asking questions, etc. I just feel like these three years have been a big waste of my time, like I've just become bogged down by professors' attempts at "revealing reality," pressure to essentially fabricate bullshit (literary analysis), and my fellow students' sex, gossip and party agendas. I am so finished. Only one more semester!
- Read the last section in the second Econ. book and wrote my contribution to the group paper.
- Lunch--ate too much bread.
- More Econ. Zoned out.
- Gym--spent a longer-than-normal amount of time there.
- Very warm outside.
- Started reading the last Econ. book.
- Went out shopping with Erin, Kate and Laura. We went into a few of the Alba touristy stores deceivingly called enotecas which are supposed to be wine stores but end up selling all Langue (Alba's sector within the Piedmonte region) related products such as an assortment of mushrooms/truffles, chocolates, pasta and other souvenir-ish gifts. I bought one or two things as gifts. Then we did some window shopping and ended with apperativi at Vin serving as a light dinner. We sat outside and I ordered moscato (sweet dessert wine) and the girls ordered wine spritzers. The food was pretty good and it was nice to eat outside.
- Headed back to the apartment.
- Did more reading for Econ. Kate and I are trying to get ahead (this reading isn't due until next week) so we can write our parts of the term paper before we leave since we're busy once we get home and the paper is due the 13th.
- Talked to people.
- Music.
- Random internet.
- Blogs and webcomics.
- Bed early--getting up early for Milan tomorrow! Will have pictures and, hopefully, stories!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day Ninety.
- Woke up to a rainy day after a rainy (and thundery!) night.
- Econ. class taught us about the US as a monetary and economic union, focusing on our monetary system's development.
- Read tomorrow's reading during the break for group discussions.
- Group discussion about term paper (1o pages within the group of 3--easy).
- Lunch. Yummy pasta.
- More rain.
- Econ. again--European Union.
- Watched the fifth installment of the Film Festival. It was called Giulias Verschwinden (Gulia's Disappearance) and was essentially a really depressing movie about aging. I think it had an uplifting ending but I was too busy being bogged down by how horrible aging it--as if I hadn't already heard. But this was very intense. Well done, but a little too close-to-home for me. I'm secretly (not so secretly) terrified of getting old. I secretly hope I die before I turn 50.
- Gym! Felt sort of nauseous when I ran so I only ran for 10 minutes... Did ab workouts, though!
- Bought milk from IN's.
- Wrote paper for Econ.
- Emailed people things.
- Got turned down for the internship at CNFA. Will be working at Powertrain this summer.
- Watched last night's episode of House.
- Read articles and blogs about Baltimore and briefly dreamed about working for the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore.
- Chatted.
- Listened to WTMD.
- Bed.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day Eighty-Nine.
- Woke up early for class--ugh!
- First Econ. class. Wasn't too bad but Prof. Stabile writes sideways on the board and has the handwriting of a third grader so it makes it hard to takes notes. Also, sometimes he's hard to follow. We got to break into groups and talk to him individually which meant that we each got an hour off from class while the other groups talked to him. Awesome! Went to Vin with Jordan and Kate for coffee/sandwiches while he was talking to the first two groups.
- Lunch. Felt nauseous beforehand so didn't eat much.
- Second part of class. More of the same. Still felt awful.
- Eventually didn't feel awful.
- Hung around the apartment, feeling awesome about the amount of free time I had since class let out at 2 (moved afternoon class up to start at 1) and I didn't go to the gym (sore from Saturday and, coincidentally, ended up feeling nauseous).
- Read and wrote for Econ. and then did tomorrow's assignment, too!
- Hung out. Finished reading the archives of 1000 Awesome Things.
- Chatted with people.
- Dinner at the apartment.
- Stuff.
- Bed early--I'm tired!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day Eighty-Eight.
- Woke up around 8:30 but "hatched out" until 10ish.
- Got out of bed to test my achy limbs.
- It was a nice day out so we all got dressed up in cute skirts and went to Akash for lunch around 11:45--had hummus and a chicken burger with cheese.
- Went shopping--didn't buy anything except gelato.
- Went back to the apartment and proceeded to create my own Horse Movie Marathon: Something to Talk About, The Horse Whisperer and The Horse Boy.
- Dinner at Vin at 7.
- Finished my movie marathon.
- Bed.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day Eighty-Seven -- Cinque Terre.
- Woke up ridiculously early (4:50 am) and left for the train station at 5:30.
- Realized I left the tickets at the apartment so I ran back to get them. What a way to wake up. Oh, and it was raining, too.
- Caught the train at 5:50.
- Got to the first town (Monterosso) at 11 am, bought tickets to get on the trail (5 euro) and headed off.
- Hiked up ridiculously steep stairs that nearly killed us.
- Hiked down the ridiculously steep stairs on the other side that almost killed us due to our muddy (and thus slippery) shoes.
- Lots more hiking punctuated by occasional rest/photo breaks.
More photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=169680&id=504487681&l=8804ea5db3
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day Eighty-Seven.
- Got to sleep in!
- Meeting with Don at 11. He basically just told us about the new schedule for next week (class from 9-12 in morning and then again from 1-2).
- Lunch. Don says he wants to come to Cinqua Terra with us. Joy.
- Napped.
- Went to travel agency to buy tickets to Cinqua Terra and then went to Bosco's to buy snacks for the trail (peanuts, orange juice boxes, apples and honey-nut Cheerios).
- Redeemed a voucher at Vin for a sandwich which I ate for dinner along with yogurt and carrots.
- Watched Date Night online.
- Dealt with doctor stuff.
- Packed for tomorrow.
- Read for Econ.
- Bed.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day Eighty-Six.
- Watched the last film festival movie for this week (two more next week). This one was called House of Branching Love and was basically a ridiculous web of relationships. The story, in its simplest form, is about a couple who are getting a divorce but sharing the house until they can sell it but they bring in new girlfriends/boyfriends to try to drive the other one out of the house. The wife brings in an old friend she had cheated on the husband with and the husband (a little portly) brings in a prostitute to pose as his girlfriend. There's a lot more to the plot but that's the basic gist. There was much sexual activity. Also, it was a comedy so that was a nice change from the other movies. It was a very good movie, especially since the complex plot line was done well, but I felt like it was unfair to compare it to the others since they were very different viewing experiences with very different purposes. The last two films will perhaps even out the playing field.
- Italian class--went over the tests. I got a B!
- Lunch--pesto!
- Stuff.
- Italian class again--did an exercise.
- Gym.
- Shaved my legs!
- Brie and crackers and yogurt with sliced banana for dinner.
- Used my tax return to loan money to entrepreneurs via Kiva.org.
- Erin braided my hair. It's cute.
- Chatting.
- Got my win percentage in Solitaire up to 42%!
- Bed.
Update #2: Looks like we're doing Cinquaterra this weekend (Erin and I and maybe Kate are doing it in one day and the others are doing it in two) and going to Thessaloniki, Greece next weekend. The tickets are 110 euro and that's just to get there but I think it will be worth the money since I wanted to go to Greece originally. Africa just would have been amazing--oh well. Not sure how prepared I am for Cinquaterra in two days but I will just have to get into the mindset because it's a 5-6 hour hike and I'm doing it--putting my head down, headphones in and doing it. While looking at the beautiful surrounding, of course.
So, yep! I'll keep you updated. We should decide tomorrow when we find out about next week's schedule. Cinquaterra is definitely a go this weekend, though, and Erin and I are buying our tickets tomorrow after siesta.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day Eighty-Five.
- Got up earlier than yesterday and went to Campus Center to watch the third film, Fish Tank. It was a British film about a fifteen-year-old girl from maybe London, maybe Birmingham--some poor urban area. It was disturbing but in a sort of awfully quiet way, if that makes sense. I thought the character development was very good.
- Italian 11-12--review for test.
- Lunch--yummy tuna pasta.
- Headed back to the apartment to read for Econ. and review for Italian test.
- Italian test--did better than usual, I think.
- Gym.
- Chatting.
- Dinner at Osteria--spinach and balsamic-marinated chicken salad, tuna and grilled pepper salad, gnocchi al ragu and dessert.
- Wrote Econ. paper.
- Attempted to watch Sin City but it was just too awful to finish. The script and the acting were just really, really bad. I haven't read the graphic novel it's based on but I can bet it does a better job with the narrative and graphic style than the movie does.
- Chatting.
- Bed.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day Eighty-Four.
- No new developments on the volcano. Prof Stabile will probably not get here until this weekend but he doesn't seem to mind--he is having a lovely time in Oxford, England with our Oxford program.
- Woke up closer to normal time and read the next segment for our Econ. class.
- Headed to the Campus Center to watch the first Film Festival film at 9:30. It was called Last Train Home and was about the lifestyles of migrant workers in rural China who migrate to the cities to work in factories in order to support their families back home and send their children to school. It was a good mix between documentary and narrative and was pretty depressing but, as a good art movie should be, thought-provoking.
- Italian from 11-12. Ugh, I just cannot bear this awful class anymore. I haven't complained about it nearly enough on here but I'll spare you now that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm learning completely useless information.
- Lunch.
- Back to the Campus Center to watch another film. This one was called Oblivion and was about political corruption and poverty in Peru. I guess global awareness is hip these days so it makes sense. Was more of a documentary than the first one and had very interesting "characters" that it focused on.
- Italian 2:30-3:30.
- Gym.
- Napped.
- Wrote the 2-page paper for Econ.
- Turned in vouchers at Vin (sandwich for dinner) and Akash (small vanilla muffin).
- Watched last night's House.
- Played Monopoly online with a friend.
- Read a new blog that is, unfortunately, very similar to one of mine. Oh well. I didn't know about that blog when I started mine and I don't really care--the blog is for me and for fun.
- Listened to WTMD via iTunes.
- Bed.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day Eighty-Three.
- Woke up later than usual.
- Read chapters 1-3 in the first Economics book we are assigned for the Economics course.
- Gym.
- Shower.
- Lunch in the apartment (crackers and brie and a banana).
- Italian class at 2:30 as usual.
- Dino tells us that we will have Italian class in the morning from 11-12 as well in case Prof Stabile wants to use next week's afternoons to make up this week's classes.
- Cinema professor shows up to give us the films for the film festival we are going to be judging as part of the panel. We are leaving before the festival really starts so we are screening the films in advance and giving our vote before we leave. We're watching the first movie tomorrow morning at 9:30 and the second one between lunch and Italian in the afternoon.
- Canceled the Morocco trip--there was just no guarantee that we could get back to Italy and none of us were willing to get stuck in Morocco which is not really a safe country to be stuck in. We had to cancel now so we wouldn't get charged cancellation fees at our hostels. Oh well. I am really, really bummed but that's how things go. People are talking about alternate trips but I will probably just try to go to Turino to see the Egyptian Museum (second largest in the world!) and find that necklace I saw last week!
- Chatted with people. Listened to new music.
- Wrote the 2-page paper for Econ.
- Stressed out about internships and the fact that I still don't have one.
- Made a LinkedIn account.
- Stressed out about graduate school until dad showed me one that really got me excited.
- Stressed out about ever getting home.
- Got Duchessa to go with everyone else.
- More chatting and music.
- Bed! Man do I love bed.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day Eighty-Two.
- Woke up early for some reason and attempted to go back to sleep but it didn't work so I talked to people who were still awake back home (birthday bash party) and such.
- Read blogs and got caught up on some reading.
- Did other stuff I can't remember?
- Around lunch time I got dressed and went out, redeeming a voucher at Vin to get a sandwich for dinner, getting rolls and a slice of pizza from the bakery next door and then buying some bananas from a little shop nearby (grocery stores were closed).
- Went back to the apartment and hung out for the rest of the day. I literally cannot remember what I did.
- Did NOT do reading that I was supposed to do for the Econ. class. Blah.
- Found out our Professor is, as predicted, not going to be able to get here until Wednesday at the earliest but most likely on Sunday. So, instead, we are doing the course online, reading the books he assigned us and writing 2-page papers everyday (as groups of three) and emailing them to him. So it'll be nice to have the mornings free to sleep in and go to the gym.
- Worried about Morocco trip getting canceled due to flights not running because of the ash.
- Didn't go to dinner but stayed in and at the sandwich from Vin and some vegetables.
- More of nothing, a lot of talking to people back home and listening to music I purchased off iTunes (The Decemberists' The Hazards of Love and Belle and Sebastian's The Boy With the Arab Strap).
- BED.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day Eighty-One -- Stresa.
- Woke up at 5 to catch a 5:50 train out of Alba.
- 4 hour train ride to Stresa.
- It was warm and sunny and beautiful when we got to Stresa (no rain until on our way back!). Stresa is a town in a lake valley below the Swiss Alps and is very, very beautiful. Erin, Kate and Kiki said it was their favorite place the whole semester that they've visited. I think Rome is mine--it had me completely in awe.
- We walked along the water toward the islands and got a ferry ride to visit two of the three main islands. We did some shopping and got a little bit of lunch.
- Then we came back to Stresa and walked along the water some more and got gelato on the way to the train station. We only had 4.5 hours in Stresa so we didn't get to do much but it was lovely to be there and have pictures to capture the beauty.
- 4 hours on the train coming back but they went pretty fast.
- Got back to Alba around 6:30 and headed back to the apartment where we collapsed (we were tired after two whole days of travel and walking! Ugh.) for the night.
- Bed early.
- Doing absolutely nothing tomorrow. Might not even leave the apartment.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day Eighty -- Torino Part Three.
- Got up early to be at the Campus Center at 8:15 for the bus ride to Turin.
- Got there and waited in the line to wait in line to see the Shroud (we had an appointment to wait in line at 10)
- The line moved pretty quickly but was just long distance-wise so, while it did take a while, it didn't make me stressed and antsy because I wasn't moving anywhere. Also people were orderly and stayed in line which is a miracle in Europe. Bugs the hell out of me.
- Saw the Shroud. Looked like all the pictures but I took one for all of you.
- Left the church where the Shroud is kept and were released for lunch until 2:30 (almost 3 hours!).
- Hung with Erin, Jordan and Kate--we found lunch at a hip ristorante and I had pesto pasta and they had pizza. I also had strawberries and whipped cream. I love fresh, in season strawberries!
- We searched for gelato because the other three wanted gelato.
- Hung out in Piazza Castello in the sun listening to iPods and enjoying the weather.
- Got margherita focaccia ligure (the region Genoa is located in) and it was amazing--I'm still thinking about it.
- Walked around for a bit and ended up at a chocolaterie that served French-style macaroons. I got a dark chocolate one and it was amazing (I hope so at 1 euro a piece!).
- Hopped into a clothing store next to the chocolaterie because there was a gorgeous necklace on a mannequin in the front window but I couldn't find the necklace in the inside of the store and we were pressed for time to be at the meeting spot by 2:30 so I couldn't ask them to give me the one from the window. I'm really bummed and I can't remember the name of the store so I can't look online to see if they have a website. Poo. I'm sad about it.
- Walked through Turin visiting a couple of churches and then hopped on the bus to go up to a church that has an amazing view overlooking Tuirn. It was a nice day out so the view was a great way to end the beautiful day.
- Bus back to Alba being chased by a storm.
- Ate dinner at the apartment.
- Tomorrow--day trip to Stresa. It's 4 hours each way (train leaves at 5:50...) and we'll only be there for 4.5 hours and it might rain but I'm still going even though I have my doubts. I paid for it and I might as well go. I hope it doesn't rain and is beautiful and fantastic.
- Sunday--nothing! Reading for the Econ. class that starts next week.
- Monday--possibly no Econ. class because our professor who is a St. Mary's professor is being flown in but is trapped in Oxford (he visited the Oxford program before heading here) due to the Iceland volcano ash. We are excited that he might get delayed but most of us need that credit and are worried the school will pull the class if he gets delayed too long since the class is already only three weeks (3 hours a day, 4 days a week, ugh!). We're also overreacting and worrying about getting ourselves back to the States. Last time the volcano erupted (19th century), it erupted for 12 months! God. I miss home and if anything stands in my way I will be furious.
- Wednesday night--Milan so we can catch our early flight Thursday morning to Tangier, Morocco!
- Thursday-Saturday--Morocco! Africa!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day Seventy-Nine.
- Good hair day--it's getting long.
- Religions and Italian tests were ok. I hope I got an A on the Religions one and a B on the Italian (being realistic).
- Skipped the gym to be fat instead.
- Got gelato with Erin and then went to the travel agency to get tickets to Stresa on Saturday--we'll only be there 4.5 hours but it'll be nice.
- Planned on going to the boys' skirmish but forgot and missed it.
- Up-to-date on Mad Men and ready for Season 4 to start in July.
- Shroud of Turin trip tomorrow which will require standing in line for 2 hours with religious crazies to be able to see the thing for 2.5 minutes. Woo.
- Day in Turin, etc.
- Watching my shows that air tonight in the US!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day Seventy-Eight.
- Woke up naturally at 7:30 so I didn't even get to sleep in (stayed in bed until 8:30 anyway).
- Gym.
- Shower.
- Lunch.
- Stuff.
- Italian class.
- Gelato and cashing in vouchers.
- Vin for dinner.
- Drama from home (via internet) and fighting--woo.
- Furiously studying for Religions final tomorrow morning (60% of my grade!).
- Bed late.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day Seventy-Seven.
- Religions class was overwhelming as we are rushing to get all the information in before the final on Thursday and we don't have class tomorrow due to Prof. Lingua's schedule.
- Salmon at lunch and strawberries in the fruit cocktail.
- Nothing notable in Italian class except that we have a test Thursday (I think. Or is it Monday...hmm).
- Gym.
- Stayed in for dinner and had yogurt with banana and strawberries in it again along with a prosciutto and cheese sandwich-type thing.
- Caught up on TV shows that aired last night (House and Big Bang Theory)
- Lots of nothing.
- Bed late since I can sleep in tomorrow.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day Seventy-Six.
I've decided to cash in my dinner vouchers and use the money to buy groceries so I can a) eat lighter and b) save/make money (technically the money is already spent and I'm sort of taking it back). So I went to Bosco's and bought lots of groceries: brie, bread, strawberries, bananas, carrots, yogurt, cereal and milk.
Other than that and learning reflexive verbs in Italian, not much happened.
Might be going to Lake Stresa this weekend which is a lake in the Alps. I don't know much about it but it's a cheap day trip so I'm going.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The city is awesome but super crowded with tourists. We got to Florence Saturday afternoon around 3:30 after visiting Pisa on the way down. We checked into our hotel (very nice!) and then hit the streets. It was nice and hot and pleasant. Stuff happened which will not be elaborated on. We had dinner on the school's tab at a nice ristorante in the piazza where David used to reside before he was moved inside the Galleria Academia. I had penne with salmone and tried a little of Kiki's truffle sauce (she had it on her pasta) and it was ok--strange.
Then we went to a bar. We chose a purposefully touristy one because we wanted to meet people rather than feel awkward. I bought my first drink (well, bought the rest of the group drinks too because it was 5 shots for 5 euro and we each bought a round) but none of the shots had much to them so we only ended up feeling warm--don't worry.
Sunday was more unmentionable activity except that I can mention the crazy freezing rain that hampered (but only slightly) the unmentionable activities. Lunch was inside a ristorante so we could warm up. It wasn't very good (pizza) but we got warmer. Then we went to the Galleria Academia and saw the real David (HE'S GIGANTIC!) and went inside Florence's GIGANTIC duomo (cathedral). Then we wasted time in Ben & Jerry's before it was time to leave.
6 hours getting back to Alba and now I'm tired.
Photos: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=165474&id=504487681&l=3e12d9d266
P.S. All unmentionable activity is most likely the rape and pillaging I did of both my bank account and the Florence leather market. UGH.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Day Seventy-Three.
- Blah, blah, shower, blah.
- Went to Vin to cash in a voucher on espresso--let Laura and Erin drink it for me.
- Religions class--finished with the Veil of Veronica.
- For lunch I turned in more vouchers: Akash for a mini-pizza (for lunch on the train tomorrow) and Vin for gelato. Then I went to the bakery next door to Vin and bought ciabatta bread to have with jam. Sat and ate my gelato at a table with the girls who were eating outside at Vin for lunch.
- Studied for Religions test.
- Had Religions test--easier than I thought! I think I did well.
- Gym.
- Messed around on the computer.
- Dinner at Osteria: had an awesome apple cake with crema gelato for dessert--very moist and with a hint of lemon. Yum!
- Packed for Florence!
- More messing around on computer.
- Bed.
Tomorrow morning (7:45) we head to Florence on the train. Dan and Simone (secretary at the Campus Center) are coming with us. We have a stopover in Pisa so we're going to go see the tower and then continue on to Florence (should get in around 2:30, I think). I plan on totally ransacking Florence's leather market but I will also be sure to see Florence's many other sights like David and the generally beautiful countryside of Tuscany. I wish we had more time in Florence but it's only 25 hours.
We're staying at a hotel (girls in one room, boys in another...) with Dan and Simone and having breakfast together in the morning. Then we have a couple of hours on our own in Florence and we leave for Alba at 3:30...It's going to be a short trip but I intend to get all I can out of it.
Pictures will DEFINITELY be in store so stay tuned: entry to come on Sunday afternoon!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day Seventy-Two.
- Blah, blah, blah usual.
- Religions again. Veronica's Veil.
- Didn't sit down for lunch with the girls at Akash because I wanted to study for the Italian test (did I mention we had one today? No? Well we did.) so I turned in a voucher and got focaccia at the focaccia place we walk by but have never gone in. It was decent.
- Studied.
- Italian test--did ok, I think.
- Gym.
- Shaved my legs! Oh yeah--you wanted to know.
- Mad Men.
- Split a pizza with Kate and supplemented the dinner with yogurt (healthy?).
- Started watching Some Kind of Wonderful but it was awful so I watched Duplicity (Clive Owen is so pretty!!! And that accent! Swoon!).
- Bed.
And now, what you've all been waiting for!
Note: I had hoped this would be funnier but I decided to go with things that are more useful/interesting to know rather than funny. Sorry!
What Italians/Italy Are/Is Really Like:
- very European in dress meaning fashionably and expensively dressed--they spend a lot of time, effort and money on their appearance
- everyone under the age of 25 looks 5 years old than they are
- everyone over the age of 25 looks 5-10 years younger
- on average, the men are not as attractive as one might think with the exception of Sicily
**note: I spent most of my time in Alba which essentially has no one between the ages of 19 and 30 so I might have a flawed impression** - they love Timberland and Converse shoes
- they listen primarily to English/American music with Beyonce, Lady GaGa and REM (can't explain this one at all) heavily featured
- shops close from 12-3, prime shopping time for us since we don't have class--it's extremely obnoxious
- most shops close on Sundays and Mondays as well...
- awful toilets--sometimes just a porcelain hole in the floor
- they love cellphones and are one of the largest markets for them, each Italian having between 2 and 4 cellphones, on average
- it is (apparently) not rude for a teacher or tour guide to answer a cellphone call in the middle of a class or tour
- in the North, it is just as rainy and overcast as one would think London to be
- they love the "colors" black and purple and primarily only wear clothing in those colors
- they eat dinner around 9-11ish, starting a little earlier (8ish) in the North
- the make out in the middle of the street/sidewalk at all times of the day
- peeing in public (granted, behind some obstacle) is accepted?
- 70% of the men are as aggressive as one would think and that same 70% fits the idea of the "guido" to a tee
- they are curious and talkative but usually shy about using English--most fear they don't speak it very well
- it is almost unthinkable to have a child not eat a meal with his/her family so most workplaces and schools close between 12-3 for lunch and everyone goes home to eat together
- Saturday is usually a work/school day
- they drive like manics in their little cars
- they are absolutely shameless photographers
- they love to stare unabashedly at you, preferably from a vantage point like a balcony
Well, that's about all I've discovered so far. Maybe I'll add to the list by the end of the trip--only one more month left! This is a good thing, but not because I'm unhappy here. In this next month we have some awesome plans (Florence this weekend, Morocco in two weeks) and I'm looking forward to them! But I also miss everyone and I'm ready to come home.
Until tomorrow! Florence plans yet to come.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day Seventy-One.
- Woke up and showered, as per usual.
- Had cereal!!! So yum and I missed it over Break.
- Religions class. Moved on to the Mandylion and Veronica's Veil rather than just the Shroud (which we will be seeing next Friday!).
- Lunch at Akash: had the chicken burger (only thing worth ordering there) and split an order of hummus with Erin--it was delicious!!! Creamy and nutty and made me miss home where you can buy hummus at the grocery store, unlike here...
- Short break between classes since Akash took so long.
- Italian class--Dino decided to make things even more complicated by teaching us the Future tense in one day and expecting us to know it and then throwing in gerund formulation. Ugh, he is ridiculous.
- Gym.
- Tulips bloomed!
- Mad Men.
- Went out around 6:45 to get some gelato and redeem a voucher at Vin. Got a small sandwich which I ate as the larger part of my dinner, along with three chocolate cookies from a bag I bought at IN's. The cookies are sugar-free and the sandwich was small so I felt good about the meal since it was smaller than my dinner normally would be but I was still reasonably full (topped off with a granola bar later in the night).
- Mad Men and chatting with people.
- Interview at 8PM! It was for CNFA (the Citizen's Network for Foreign Affairs) and, though I probably sounded good, the interview made me feel awful--like I'm dull and pathetic and they just made me realize it. Ugh. I didn't stumble or anything, I just didn't feel confident about the impression I made. I really don't have much experience. Anyway, I should find out in two weeks. Meanwhile, Powertrain has already asked me three times to come back.
- More Mad Men and chatting.
- Bed.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day Seventy.
- Woke up early--ugh.
- No milk for cereal so I had a granola bar (definitely not filling enough to last me until lunch!)
- Religions class.
- Religions Midterm moved to Friday.
- Lunch: the Mensa is closed this week so we get restaurant vouchers for lunch, too. I used mine to buy a sandwich at Vin and then got a panini at the bakery next door with some of the change.
- Beautiful day!
- Watched Mad Men during the break. I've started watching it an it's fabulous--a TV series about ad men from the 1960's. I love the fashion and the music and the old housewife drama as well as the advertising agency spin! Very good series.
- Started feeling really nauseous.
- Went to Italian class.
- Didn't go to gym because I felt nauseous and then I felt better--weird.
- Got another interview for a summer internship! Tomorrow at 8PM my time.
- More Mad Men.
- Elaborate dinner plans involving me and Laura turning in one voucher between us at Akash and splitting the change, going to Bosco's for groceries (yogurt, fruit, cereal, frozen vegetables), and then buying two pizzas from Duchessa on one voucher. I think it worked well for us but it's hard to tell. The idea was to only use one voucher each but still each get both change and a pizza. I'm going to eat my groceries for most of the week along with small sandwiches from Vin/Akash so I can turn in vouchers while not eating too heavy.
- More Mad Men as well as catching up on stuff I didn't get to do over Break.
- Bed.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day Sixty-Three (Tuesday):
I got up early (4:30am) and said goodbye to Kirby. He was such an awesome host and travel partner and I’d love to see him again and have more adventures. Then I caught a cab to the airport at 5am and got on my plane at 6am, touching down in Trapani around 8am and catching a bus into town at 8:30. Sounds pretty complicated but it was actually pretty easy and there were no hiccups.
I found the hostel, left my bag and headed out since the room wasn’t ready yet. The hostel gave me a map, though, so I started my wanderings alone. I walked towards the port along the water but it was REALLY windy so I moved in towards the Old City center and found brunch at a panetteria. Then I walked up the main street in the Old City center and saw some churches (always the churches in Italy…). I eventually found my way to the other side of the peninsula (Trapani is on a little peninsula) and walked along the water on a stone wall/walkway.
Day Sixty-Four (Wednesday):
The hostel. Oh, the hostel. First off, it’s FREEZING and I had to double up the covers by folding them over (it’s a double bed). Hopefully I’ve communicated with the hostess that I’d like more blankets for tonight or Joanna and I will both be freezing. Then, on top of that, the walls/doors are paper thin and you can hear every single person unlock their door from the inside, open the door, lock it from the outside then walk to the bathroom and close and lock that door. Also my room has windows (?) above the door so if anyone turns on the light in the common area, my room lights up like it’s daytime. Won’t be getting much sleep here… EDIT: Hostess did bring more blankets but then we had hot water issues and power issues. Ugh. It was a mess and definitely not worth the money.
Anyway, I woke up around 8am due to other people getting up and making noise and I laid in bed until the hostess brought me breakfast at 9. Breakfast was cold, milky coffee, two corn/sugar muffins, hard white sugar donut things and yogurt. I asked the hostess about the supposed wifi they have here but I ended up having to find an internet café to do my scheduling later that day and checking of email.
My feet hurt from the past few days of hard walking so I took it easy and checked out the internet café prices and times and found out that I needed to bring my passport to use the computers (I always seem to forget this…). I walked to the bus station to see where I could easily go for the day and chose to go to Valderice, a town outside of Erice on the other side of the mountain. I thought it would be as cool as Erice but it’s just a small town, granted it did have nice views of the mountain and the valley (it was halfway in altitude between the valley floor and the top of the mountain).
I got to Valderice around 1 and walked around but it was just a small town, nothing else. It did have very nice views of the valley, though. I found lunch in the one café open in the whole town and ordered a “dish” called an arancina (which I think also means “orange” as both the color and the fruit) which was sort of like a balled and fried shepherd’s pie but with rice instead of mashed potatoes. It was delicious.
While writing, an old man hobbled past, mumbled something to me in Italian and, when I told him I didn’t speak Italian, he plopped down next to me and attempted to have a conversation with me. One of the first things he said to me was that I was pretty and, after asking my name, immediately asked me if I was married/engaged (a ring was involved). Then we went on to try to convince me, I think, to sleep with/date a 24-25 year-old Sicilian boy (no one in particular) rather than the 20 year-old English boyfriend I made up to protect myself. I think he said I should do this because Italian/Sicilian men are stronger and have more endurance/better erections… There was motioning involved. Needless to say, it was an uncomfortable and awkward conversation.
After that excursion in the park I headed back to the hostel to read and hang out until 5ish when I needed to go to the Internet café to schedule for classes. I successfully did so (it was a close call as the classes I wanted we almost full!) and next semester should be awesome (relaxing AND interesting!).
Then I walked to the Old City center and caught part of a procession of one of the misteri (wooden religious figures used in the Easter procession). It was pretty intense and EVERYONE was there. I got pictures so you get a better idea from those. Also, I saw a couple more processions throughout the week. I walked around the festivities and found a place to eat later since it was too early at the time. Then I went back to the hostel to use the bathroom and walked along the water before heading back to the restaurant I had found earlier.
Then there were TONS of people in the streets so I followed them and ended up seeing ANOTHER procession. I forgot that each guild (bakers, stonelayers, merchants, etc.) had/has a misteri and they each have their own procession before the big Easter procession on Sunday where they all have a parade together. I learned this somewhere when I was researching Trapani. Also, it being Ash Wednesday perhaps explains why they were doing processions on that particular day but they may have done it every day that week for all I know.
After that I came back to the hostel to chill and wait for Joanna to land. When she got on the bus at the airport I walked to the bus station to meet her. She got in around midnight and we walked back to the hostel and slept.
Day Sixty-Five (Thursday):
I woke up late-ish (9) and took a shower and read, letting Joanna sleep in since she just finished a grueling exam period. She woke up around 11 and we headed out at 11:30 to go see Erice again, this time with better, sunnier weather. We took a bus this time, getting off close to the cable car station. We had lunch at a café nearby: Joanna had a panini and I had roasted vegetables.
We got to Erice and headed to the eastern side and walked around the perimeter, marveling at the gorgeous views of the valley below. They were absolutely stunning and my pictures cannot possibly do them justice as there is always more haze in a picture than when you see a view in real life. Then we bought admission to Erice’s churches (5 sites for 5 euro—pretty good deal) and visited them. We got to climb a bell tower and got an even better view though things sort of look the same when you’re already on top of a mountain. After touring the churches we saw the town’s two castles and sat on the wall talking about our after college plans—Joanna may have convinced me to move to England though convincing me to do so isn’t very hard. Afterward we relaxed at an outdoor café, further soaking up the sun with granite (icy treat) before heading back down the mountain to Trapani.
We got up around 9 and went to a restaurant around the corner from our hostel—we both had pasta with shrimp and salmon sauce which was heavy but delicious as is all food in Italy—there is literally no Italian dish save the caprese salad that does not make me feel guilty when I eat it.
After dinner we came back to the hostel and went to bed early since we had an early bus to catch to Palermo the next day.
Day Sixty-Six (Friday):
We woke up at 6:45 to take showers but there was no hot water…We got dressed and left around 7:45 to catch our 8:05 bus to Palermo. We caught the bus and arrived in Palermo around 9:30 and headed to find a map which we ended up buying at a newspaper stand. Then we walked to the Vaccini market which was a combination of Alba’s Saturday market and a food market (complete with octopus on ice). We walked through the market, looking for sandals. I have been on the hunt for sandals since the weather started getting warmer because I didn’t bring any with me to Italy. I had given up my search since I wasn’t finding what I wanted—everything was heeled—but Joanna had a similar mission so we looked in the market, eventually finding them on a whim on our way to the bus station later in the day.
After leaving the market we looked for a place to have lunch but nothing was open yet so we hung out in H&M (totally didn’t buy anything, I swear!) until 12:30 when a nearby pizzeria opened for lunch. We split a caprese salad and Romano (ham) pizza for a light lunch. While eating we spent our time trying to figure out where the table of tourists sitting next to us was from—we settled on Germany with a strange dialect.
Then we walked toward the palace and Orleans garden but ended up not being able to get in the park so we sat at a pasticerria in a nearby park and Joanna had a strawberry cream something and I had PEANUTTO gelato! I didn’t even know I had ordered it because it looked different from Vaccaro’s (for those of you who don’t know, Vaccaro’s is a Sicilian bakery in Baltimore’s Little Italy that is amazing and I love it) and didn’t have a tag on it. I was so excited when I tasted it—yum! I hadn’t seen it at other gelaterias so I had forgotten about it but now I always look (much to my disappointment since I have yet to see it since).
We hung out in the park and then decided to catch a bus back to Trapani, catching one at 4 and getting back to Trapani at 5:30. We walked around and managed to see a bit of yet another misteri procession (Good Friday) but we were tired so we didn’t stay long and instead headed back to the hostel for more naps (it’s our vacation—we can relax if we want to!).
We got up at 9 and went to a nearby restaurant that had pesto Trapanese on the menu, thinking we should try it while we were here. It turned out to be very overwhelmingly garlicy. It was red pesto with undercooked pasta and enough garlic to kill an army of Twilight vampires (not that that is saying much…). Seriously, though—it was painful to drink water once that amount of garlic had coated our tongues. Bleh.
We finished dinner and went back to the hostel to read and sleep, sleep, sleep!
Day Sixty-Seven (Saturday):
Woke up around 8:45 to eat breakfast then showered (warmish water) and went to the port to catch a ferry to the largest of the three islands off the coast of Trapani, Favignana. We got to the island at 12 and went to have lunch while we waited for the train tour (small car and carts in the shape of a train and train cars. Yeah, we were those people) to open after siesta. We wanted pizza but the restaurants only serve pizza for dinner for some reason so we settled for pasta—I had tuna pasta and Joanna had zucchini and shrimp pasta. Both were pretty good but not amazing.
At 2 we caught the train tour at the port and it took us around the island’s beautiful scenery—full of flowery fields, turquoise waters and deep, mysterious grottos. The tour took about an hour and a half and we had to wait an hour after we got back for the next ferry off the island so we hung at a table outside a café with some gelato, basking in the sun.
We caught our ferry back to Trapani and looked for postcards along the port, heading in to the Old City center. Since we were nearby we had dinner at the awesome panetteria with the pizzette I’ve been raving about. Then we headed back to the hostel for an early night since Joanna had a super early flight the next morning.
Day Sixty-Eight (Sunday—Easter):
Joanna got up around 4:30 and left to catch the 5:00 bus to the airport for her 6:30 flight back to the Netherlands. Ugh. I got up at 8:30 and showered and had breakfast, already feeling pretty lonely without Joanna.
I went to the bus station to check time for the airport and San Lo Capo (the main beach nearby) as a possible day trip. I decided to just hang out in Trapani since my bus to the airport was at 5:15 and I didn’t really want to spend any more money on bus trips.
Since everything in Trapani was closed, however, I had to resort to old-fashioned entertainment and bought a coloring book and markers at a store after walking all over town looking for them (hey, it was a mission). I eventually found them and sat at a closed café that had some tables out and colored for a few hours while listening to my iPod. Then I got hungry and set off on a mission to find an open café…also a very difficult task. I found one and had a calzone with prosciutto and cheese in it. It was pretty good.
Day Sixty-Nine (Monday):
Woke up around 8:30 and played around on the computer and took a shower, checking out of the hostel around 10:15 to find breakfast. Again, everything was closed (Easter Monday is also a holiday?) so this was difficult but things at the train station were open so I had…McDonald’s. It was expensive and tasted weird (they spice/pepper their beef??) but the milkshake was good. Our train was at 11:20 and we got in to Alba at 1 on the dot. I was so happy to be back in Alba after being gone so long. It was sunny and warm and people were out at tables outside cafes and I was so happy walking down Via Maestra. It was perfect and I’m excited to be back with spring in Alba in front of me.
This weekend we’re going to Florence on the school’s tab and it should be awesome. I intend to spend a lot of time and money at the leather market—probably a whole day if I can. The school might have activities planned for us but I have no idea. Tuesday (or maybe Wednesday—I forget) we have our Religions midterm so I should study for that at some point but I’m too busy loving my internet and catching up on TV and such. Plus, it’s so beautiful out!
People should be coming back tonight from their respective trips (Kate, Erin and Jordan from the Canary Islands and Laura from Copenhagen [or was it Stockholm…I forget]) but Kiki and I will most likely eat without them. Even with all the pizza I’ve had this Break, I’m gonna vote for dinner at Duchessa! Yum pizza (as if pasta is a healthy alternative…)!
P.S. This is probably my longest blog post at 3,200 words and 6 pages on Word. Hope you enjoyed it and my pictures!
P.P.S. Pictures here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=163497&id=504487681&l=0eed2d7813
Sunday, April 4, 2010
This Just In:
I don't have much battery life so I can't type up my blog entry from the last six days but I will have it for you tomorrow night and, in the mean time, my photos are on Facebook (link tomorrow--sorry for those of you not on Facebook!).
My Break was really nice, though lonely at times and my pictures are fantastic so I hope you enjoy!
Until tomorrow.